ASTM Material Specifications

The Graphene Council is seeking volunteers to participate in the development of an ASTM Material Specification for different types and forms of graphene. The intent is to define specific groups of similar forms of graphene into distinct categories as part of a broader ASTM Material Specification to make it easier for users to specify and use graphene in their products. 

The Graphene Council is a Member of the ASTM Engineered Carbons committee and the intent is to submit a completed definition of graphene materials in a form and structure recognized by ASTM for formal adoption. 

The Graphene Council has already compiled a database of approx. 700 individual forms and types of graphene based on commercially available technical data sheets that have been cataloged using the Graphene Classification Framework. 

The scope of the ASTM Material Specifications Task Force is to organize and define real world types and forms of graphene into an ASTM approved format. 

We are seeking input from all interested stakeholders including graphene producers, customers and users of graphene, regulators and experts, especially those with experience with ASTM standard setting. 

Please note that the work product will be the property of The Graphene Council and volunteers will not be compensated.

Our intent is to submit a finished specification to the ASTM Engineered Carbons committee for adoption as an ASTM Material Specification to encourage greater commercial adoption of graphene. 

All work will be conducted remotely using the DELPHI method to drive consensus and to have the greatest opportunity for all volunteers to contribute.

Thank you in advance for your contribution to this important task!